Here’s a quick list of medical abbreviations you’ll likely see on the job.
We did our best to compile an accurate list for you—but keep in mind that some abbreviations may differ, depending on your setting.
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Common Medical Abbreviations
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other. More Resources.
ac (ante cibum): before meals
AD: assistive devices, Alzheimer’s disease
ADL: activities of daily living
Afib: arterial fibrillation
AKA: above the knee amputation
AKI: acute kidney injury
ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
AMA: against medical advice
AROM: active range of motion
ARNP: Advanced Registered Nurse Practioner
ASAP: as soon as possible
A&O: alert and oriented
BID (bis in die): twice daily
BKA: below the knee amputation
BLL: bilateral lower lobes of the lung
BM: bowel movement
BP: blood pressure
B/S: bedside
BUL: bilateral upper lobes of the lung
CA: cardiac arrest, carcinoma, cancer
CABG: coronary artery bypass graft
CGA: contact guard assistance
CHF: congestive heart failure
CHI: closed head injury
CM: Case Manager
cm: centimeter
CNA: Certified Nursing Assistant
COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COTA: certified occupational therapy assistance
CSF: cerebrospinal fluid
CT: computerized tomography
CVA: cerebral vascular accident
CXR: chest X-ray
c̅: with
c/o: complains of
C1, C2, (through C7): first cervical vertebrae, second cervical vertebrae, etc.
D/C: discharge
DM: diabetes mellitus
DNT: did not test
DOB: date of birth
d/t: due to
DVT: deep vein thrombosis
Dx: diagnosis
EEG: electroencephalogram
EENT: ear, ear nose, throat
EKG: electrocardiogram
ER or ED: emergency room or emergency department
ETOH (ethanol): alcohol
fib: fibrillation
F2F: face to face
f/u: follow up
FWW: front wheel walker
GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale
GE: gastroenterology
GERD: gastroesophageal reflux
GI: gastrointestinal
GOAT: greatest of all time—you!
GWS: gunshot wound
h: hour
H/A: headache
HEENT: head, eyes, ear, nose throat
HEP: home exercise program
HHA: Home Health Aide, home health agency
HLF: hyperlipidemia
h/o: history of
HOB: head of bed
HR: heart rate
HTN: hypertension
H&P: history and physical
Hx: history
IADL: instrumental activities of daily living
ICU: intensive care unit
IV: intravenous
I&O: intake and output
J-tube: jejunostomy tube
K: potassium, kidney
L: left, lower, lumar, liver, literal, lower, light
LLL: left lower lobe of the lung
LE: Lower extremities
LOC: loss of consciousness or level of consciousness
LOS: length of stay
LPN: Licensed Practical Nurse
LUL: left upper lobe of the lung
Lx: larynx
L1, L2 (through L5): first lumbar vertebrae, second lumbar vertebrae, etc.
M: male, meter, married
max: maximum
MBSS: modified barium swallow study
MCA: middle cerebral artery
MD: muscular dystrophy
MG: myasthenia gravia
MI: myocardial infarction
min: minimal
mod: moderate
MVA: motor vehicle accident
n: nerve
Na: sodium
NaCl: sodium chloride
NC: nasal cannula
NG: nasogastric
NG tube: nasogastric tube
NJ tube: nasojejunal tube
NKA: no known allergies
NOS: not otherwise specified
NPO (nil per os): nothing by mouth
N&V: nausea and vomiting
O: oral
OA: osteoarthritis
O/E: on evaxmination
OH (quaque hora): every hour
Op: operation
OR: operating room
O2: oxygen
PA: Physician’s Assistant
p/c (post cibum): after meals
PCP: Primary Care Physician
PD: Parkinson’s disease
PE: physical exam, pulmonary embolism
PEG: percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
PET: positron emission tomography
PH: past history
PI: present illness, pulmonary insufficiency
PLOP: previous level of functioning
PMH: past medical history
PMN: physical medicine and rehabilitation
PMV: Passy Muir valve
PNA: pneumonia
pneu: pneumonia
PO (per os): by mouth
POSTOP: post-operative
PROM: passive range of motion
PRN (pro re nata): as needed
PSH: past surgical history
pt: patient
PVD: peripheral vascular disease
PX: physical examination
QID (quater in die): four times daily
R: right
RA: rheumatoid arthritis
RBC: red blood cell, red blood count
RD: respiratory distress
re: regarding
ROM: range of motion
r/o: rules out
RLL: right lower lobe of the lung
RN: Registered Nurse
ROM: range of motion
r/t: related to
RT: radiation therapy, Respiratory Therapy
RUL: right upper lobe of the lung
Rx: prescription
SAH: subarachnoid hemorrhage
SBA: stand-by assistance
SCI: spinal cord injury
SDH: subdural hematoma
SO: significant other
SOB: shortness of breath
SH: social history
Stat: immediately
s/p: status post
s/sx: signs and symptoms
sx: symptom
s̅: without
TBI: traumatic brain injury
tbsp: tablespoon
TPN: total parenteral nutrition
tsp: teasoon
TKA: total knee arthroplasty
Tx: treatment
T1, T2 (through T12): first thoracic vertebrae, second thoracic vertebrae, etc.
U/A: urinalysis, upon arrival
U/O: under obseration
URI: upper respiratory infection
US or u/s: ultrasound
URI: upper respiratory infection
UTI: urinary tract infection
V: vein
VA: visual acuity
VF: visual field, ventricular fibrillation
via: by way of
VO: verbal order
VS: vital signs
w or wk: week
WBC: white blood count
WFL/WNL: within functional limits/within normal limits
w/u: work-up
2/2: secondary to
4WW: four-wheel walker