75 Aphasia Picture Cards & Picture Description: Free PDF

Here are 75+ full-color naming photos and visual scenes for you to use during aphasia, motor speech, voice, and visual neglect treatments.

We also include a free PDF version that you can print out or present on a tablet or computer screen.

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Aphasia Picture Cards/Naming Photos

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trick-or-treat Halloween picture naming for speech therapy
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Aphasia Picture Description/Visual Scenes

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picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
observatory, mountain picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
cow kiss picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
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laundromat picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
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ducks dog picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
city picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
couple picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
monks orange picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
fisherman net boat picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
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couple romance picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
baking woman picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
baby mom mama picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
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boat lanterns river canal picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
team work picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
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dirt bike picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
kitten picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
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cow picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
picture description
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parasailing picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect
muslim woman picture description for speech therapy aphasia, motor speech, visual neglect

FREE PDF: Naming Photos & Visual Scenes

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